At Canine Craze our passion is teaching people how to better understand their dog and dog's to better understand their people. Rooted in our core foundations focused on the dog's physical and emotional well-being, the handler being a good communicator, and understanding how dog's learn to apply scientific principles in our teaching process.
Our team and community are committed to life-long learning and will support you and your pup throughout your training journey, transforming your naughty dog into the perfect dog!

Dog Foundations
Emotional Regulation
Impulse Control
Thinking Dog

Handler Foundations
Presence Control
Practical Work

Training Foundations
Teaching a New Behavior
Putting on Cue
It doesn't matter where you live, we have options for people who live within driving distance of our facility in Urbandale, IA and options for people who love our training but can't make it in-person. Click on the picture below that best describes your location to our facility or availability to attend an in-person class.
- Local will show you in-person offerings.
- Not Local will show you virtual offerings.